Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Dear Prime Minister

Dear Mr Prime Minister,
Do you get pleasure from driving our country into the ground? I mean, honestly, how can you let people get away with the things they do. You seriously need to sort out your messed up justice system. How do you sleep knowing that there are killers and robbers running loose, and you don't seem to be doing a thing about it because you're so busy fuelling a completely pointless war in another country. What good will that do us? Do you expect the recession to be over because you spent all the tax payers money on weapons in a war that doesn't concern us? You're digging us into a hole, and if you keep plowing, it will be too hard to get out. You may live comfortably in your house, but what about us less fortunate? What are we supposed to do about it?
There are thousands of homeless people out there, why don't you do something to help them? Why don't you fund rehabilitation for drug users who actually want help? Why don't you do more for the less fortunate of your country instead of making more people out of home and losing family in another country?
There's so much going on in your country, but you're blind to it. Why don't you turn your attention to us. We are your country! You say your doing something about gang culture? I don't see any improvements.
I realise your job can't be easy, but remember you are the person that ran for prime minister! Remember us, your country.


  1. yo make a valid point. But remember that it wasn't Gordon Brown who was PM when we went 2 war and the majority of MP's voted yes to the war, otherwise we wouldn't have gone. Now that we're there we have 2 finish the job. It's not as easy as just taking out our troups and that's that. They have 2 make sure there is a viable infrastructure in the country. Also don't forget all the great things labour have done for us since they came to power - ur parents get more money 2 look after you, education (especially welsh medium) has had huge amounts of money and development. remember they can't do everyting right all the time - and these guys are alot more honest than other governments have been - atleast they admit when they've messed up. Don't just blame the PM for all the rubbish that's happening.

  2. Yeah, but I don't feel like they're making enough of an effort to finish things off. It seems like it's going to keep going on forever. I hate hearing about people dying on the news, especially when it's so close to home.
