Wednesday 19 May 2010

Formspring Abuse.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that thinks it's childish. Seriously, people...are you that much of a coward that you have to hide who you are. I wouldn't mind the abuse as much if the identity was posted, but it's really cowardly to hide while you're abusing people. Grow up, people.
Personally, I enjoy having abuse, because it's really interesting and quite laughable. Some people's 'insults' are quite pathetic. I would like some originality if I'm going to be abused, please. Thanks.
The anonymous questions do have their plus when you're asking a question, but not abusing. You can ask some fun questions, and not have people know who you are.
But if you're going to abuse people, at least have the balls to say who you are, and give your reason for hating on the person. So, yeah. Grow a pair, you childish, pathetic wastes of oxygen.
Have a nice day.
Sean. :)

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