Wednesday 28 April 2010

My e-mail to an Evanescence fan boy who made 2 videos saying how much We Are The Fallen sucked, even though they don't.

This is me replying to your videos on We Are The Fallen. I would like to point out that I can nullify every single one of your points. ALL of them.
OK, you say they rip off Evanescence, yet you have no proof of this other than ASSUMPTIONS you made. Yes, Carly performed an Evanescence song on American Idol, and it also isn't her choice to make. The judge decides the song, not the contestant. We Are The Fallen covered Evanescence songs because they had JUST formed and had no material of their own, like all bands do. They cover songs. You say that John was making fun of Ben in that video? I'd like you to prove it. Sure he was laughing in the background, but for all you know there could have been a really funny joke told JUST before the camera started shooting, or maybe he just farted. You don't know, it's just another assumption you made. And HOW was Ben being indifferent to John? Go ahead and answer, he was saying he can't speak for him, that's called PROFESSIONALISM. You say "all the times John took the p*** out of him during interviews", I didn't see on source in ANY of your videos to prove that, not one, so maybe you should enlighten me...if you can. And maybe Ben left for personal reasons in 2003 and the same for John now. You have NO idea what goes on behind closed doors so you have no right to assume. Something personal could have happened between John and Amy, and there is no proof that John and Ben weren't friends before, so why shouldn't they meet up and still be friends? John didn't leave with Ben in 2003 because Ben made his own decision to leave. It would have been immature for him to leave in 2003 WITH Ben. John is not Ben's puppy. Then you say "John stayed because he loved the money and glory". Can you prove that? Didn't think so. Just another assumption. You seem to be making a lot of these. "Amy fired him because she wants whats best for the band"? Really? Put your tongue back into your mouth and open your eyes. Something personal went down, but you're just so obsessed with Amy Lee that you have to support her and everything she does. And there was me thinking you were an adult. You sure had me fooled. And then you compare Ben's guitar riffs with someone who has ripped him off. Not a very smart move on your behalf. Ben's the one that was ripped off. And the two riffs sound nothing alike anyway. Oh, wait there might have been a C cord in both of them. Whoops, Ben, how could you? And back to the point of Carly covering Bring Me To Life on American Idol, "She wouldn't have THOUGHT", ermm, well she can't exactly predict the future to know that she was going to join We Are The Fallen, so you're saying she's either some kind of psychic, or she was told beforehand that she was joining them? Correct?
I'd like to see Amy Lee go on American Idol and win. I bet she couldn't. As much as I love Amy Lee, there are still people out there that are better, and a little reference to your second video that fits well in here, Amy Lee CANNOT sing live. So you complain about Carly being out of tune? Have you listened to Evanescence live? Carly CAN sing, because I've seen her sing. She not used to the loud noise that was in the auditorium at the time she performed. It's really loud. We Are The Fallen are organic. It's your definition that's screwed up. Carly met Ben they formed a band, simple and organic. They didn't put posters up, they didn't put ads up on the web. They met. Sounds pretty organic to me.
Now on to your second video...and this one was completely pointless. Just you making a bunch of immature jibes at the band. They didn't release a video until 9 months after the songs release. WHO CARES? It doesn't matter, and it doesn't affect the performance of the band. Rocky eating all the pies? Oh, sure, because that's mature. And then you go on to talk about their advertising. Now this REALLY made me laugh. You expect ex-Evanescence members to say that their not ex-Evanescence members? Really? So they should tell the media who isn't in the band then? That's like saying they're ripping off American Idol as well, because Carly was on there. Since I've already pretty obviously pointed out that you can't prove any resentment or anger your other point is, well...pointless. Maybe there are hard feelings between Ben and Amy. So what? People fall out and it's none of your business. John has stated that he thinks that Amy Lee is amazing, and so has Carly. So what's the big deal here? Marty said that it didn't go the way they wanted. He never said Evanescence fell apart, that's just you looking for what you want to see and hear. Yeah, the band was formed because things didn't go the way they wanted. SO WHAT? If you burn a Pizza, what do you do? Give up, or cook another? You cook another if your hungry. So what's your problem, it didn't work out with them and Evanescence, they're happier as they are now. It seems to me that the only resentment and anger here is coming from you. Again, I've proved that We Are The Fallen haven't broken any promises. And maybe they will wait 9 months or even longer before releasing a video for Without You, but they're on tour for crying out loud. What do you expect them to do? And the only reason it took so long to make a video for Bury Me Alive is because they were busy working on their new album. And that is the best argument you can come up with? Songs don't have a sell-by date, so they can cover a 21 year old song if they want to. It's not exactly a problem is it? And then you go and say they're ripping off another band based on some really bad audio you heard from a video which was shot from either a mobile phone, or a cheap video camera. Nice try, but you've failed in every single point you've made. We Are The Fallen have not contradicting themselves, or broken any promises. They have not made any promises to break. Why don't you wait for the new album before you start judging it, OK? You're very naive considering your channel says your 22. And really? Making immature comments about Rocky's weight. It's you that needs to grow up. You're like a slave to Amy Lee. It's time you grew up and stopped being so biased. Just because you like Amy Lee, that doesn't make Carly bad at all. You're just so blind because of your infatuation with Amy Lee that you can't actually see the truth. So maybe you should stop making videos that have lies in the title. Maybe it should be called "Opinions of an obsessed Amy Lee fan". The only reason you don't like We Are The Fallen is because you KNOW they're a threat to Evanescence. Amy Lee is the only member left, and she isn't what makes Evanescence. It all went downhill since Ben left. I like every song on the Fallen album, but only a few on The Open Door. Funny that. I think maybe it's time Evanescence gave up by now, but I'm going to wait to see what the new album is like first. It might be good, or Amy might have killed the band. Who knows? In the mean time - grow up, would you? Have a nice day.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Oh, how it's been so long...♪♫

"Oh, how it's been so long,
I'm so sorry I was gone,
I was busy planning blogs for YOU!"
I'll give you a cyber-hug if you can guess what song I've changed. ;)

So, yeah. I don't really have anything to blog about, but I decided to give you a little update anyway. Mainly an insight into the mind of yours truly. I feel like I want you to get to know me a little better, even though I only have 2 followers, and possibly no other people reading my blog. This one is really personal, but you're all welcome to read. Here goes:

Mood: Lazy
Current time: 02:44am

OK, you may or may not have noticed (if you have me on Facebook) that I don't go to sleep until really late, and you think that's just me deciding to stay up. Well it's not. There is a genuine reason I've been awake. I actually can't sleep. Have you ever thought about something so much that it stops you from sleeping? Yeah, I have that. I bet it's a typical SINGLE teenagers dilemma though. Yes, I'm thinking about someone. Some of you know who, some of you don't.
And that's all on that matter. If you need to know more, or even if you're just curious, feel free to ask me.

I don't really have much else to blog about, but I think I'll go on to music.
I'm really trying to find new music that isn't mainstream. It's really hard for me to come by music that I like because I'm really fussy when it comes to music, but here's a few of my favourite artists:
- My Chemical Romance
- Paramore
- Green Day
- Switchfoot
- Flyleaf
- Skillet
- Fireflight
- P!NK
- Panic! At The Disco
- Breaking Benjamin
- All Time Low
- Aerosmith
- Blink 182
- Evanescence
- Four Year Strong
- Thirty Seconds To Mars
- Lady Gaga.

Yes. Lady Gaga. She is my weakness. I think she's incredibly talented and her music and life is just inspiring. Yeah, that was a cheesy line, I know.
To me, music is all about the inspiration behind the lyrics, and although not all of the bands I've listed have the best lyrical content, I think they're pretty awesome.
My top 5 bands are My Chemical Romance, Paramore and Green Day. Their lyrics are incredible and whenever I listen to them, I feel inspired to either draw or write. I'm not an amazing artist, but I like to think I'm pretty good. I do have a pretty good imagination, and always have.
Fact : I've won 3 competitions for my writing, but I've never entered an art contest.
I've always liked writing, which is weird, but I find it to be a really good way to express myself and let out some emotions into a world that doesn't exist. Whether I'm building a world, or destroying it, I always feel at home when I'm writing. It's an incredible thing. I also LOVE to read, and I have since primary school. I've never been a 'normal' child. I always do things no-one expects me to. I'm the kind of person that doesn't fit a stereotype. I like to read, but I also like to embarrass myself around town by doing something incredibly stupid. I listen to the kind of music that inspired Twilight. I'm ashamed of that. I'm not the biggest fan of Twilight if I'm going to be completely honest, but I did enjoy the books that I've read. I finished Eclipse, but I don't have Breaking Dawn. Oh, well. I think it's weird how so many people are obsessed with a series of books that aren't very well written. I think I'll save that for my next blog.
Ciao for now. ;)

Saturday 10 April 2010

The Final Destination (AKA "Just Die Already!")

OK, so there was Final Destination ("You're Dead!"), Final Destination 2 ("Oops, you're dead again!") and Final Destination 3 ("Now you're really, really, really dead!"). They were decent films. And I can say I enjoyed Number 2 and 3. I haven't seen number one yet. Soon. The deaths were funny and creative, and the characters were somewhat easy to identify with. Then comes The Final Destination which, thankfully, is the final instalment in the series. The storyline was too linear, even more so than the previous 3 films. The acting was really quite bad and the scripting was awful. Some of the deaths were funny, but the others were throw-your-popcorn-at-the-screen kind of stuff.
My favourite death was when in the premonition (so it didn't really happen) the woman who's name I can't remember's leg got caught in the broken escalator. It's my favourite because it's totally awful. Her leg is jammed and blood pours from her mouth as if somehow, magically her foot and throat are related. Yeah, she got grinded by the turning cogs. Ell-Oh-Ell!!
The worst death? The guy getting squished through the fence. Why? Because it was boring. It tries to be gruesome, but doesn't achieve anything other than remind us of the scene from Resident Evil (the film) where the STARS guy gets diced by the laser.
That's probably the worst out of the way. So bad points:
- bad acting.
- bad scripting.
- too linear.
- cliché characters.
- more focus on 3D than actual film.
- awful ending.
Back to the last point...the ending was awful. I mean, seriously...? A truck crashing through the window killing them all...? What film does that remind is of...? Definitely not Spider-Man 2. Maybe they didn't get killed by the truck in Spider-Man 2, but still...
It makes me wonder if the guys from The Final Destination would have survived if at least one of those guys had spider-sense. Stupid man should have gone in search of a radio-active spider before saving anyone. He would have had more chance at survival.
And am I the only one that thinks the ending seems really lazy? It's like the writers weren't even trying. It was a bad film. Enough said. My verdict? 3/10.
Have you seen the film? Let me know what you think in a comment. :)